Nao’s Reflections on bicycles, Brisbane and networking

This touching guest post comes from Bicycle Create Change’s Research Assistant Nao Kamakura. Nao has recently completed her residency with BBC and is currently traveling Australia, then home to Japan. Here, Nao reflects on her time as a new international student in Brisbane and how hard it was to meet locals. Nao found a commonality …

3 Research Assistant & Fellowship Opportunities

There are many Ph.D. candidates who are near-submission or who have recently been conferred. For these brave souls, entering the workforce at such a tumultuous time is even more tricky with additional CORONAverse pressures. Where I can, I share news of any Research Assistant (RA), Internships, Postdocs or Fellowship opportunities I come across here on …

How many Australians participate in mountain biking?

In July, Nao Kamakura joined Bicycles Create Change as Research Assistant. Nao is investigating rates of participation in mountain biking, with a particular focus on rates of female participation. Below is Nao’s first post for BCC where she shares a few preliminary findings and thoughts. How many Australians participate in mountain biking as a sport? …