Utrecht train station: World’s largest bicycle park

A big thanks to long time reader Betty for recommending this story. Much appreciated Betty! Ride On! NG. Previously, I posted on projects that support mass urban bike riding infrastructure, such as the automated ECOCycle bike storage facilities located at train stations in Japan (which has a retrieval time of 13 seconds!). Everyone knows the …

ICQI 2021 Accepted! Velo-onto-epistemology: Becoming(s)-with Bicycles, Gender, Education and Research

ICQI 2021: Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry ICQI…..you know….only the largest ……. and most respected qualitative research conference IN THE WORLD! … and with all the biggest names! My PhD supervisor said I should consider submitting an abstract for this conference. Doing so is a VERY BIG DEAL – this congress is the pinnacle in my …

Part 3: Current & beyond. Sri Lanka community police bicycle program

This is the third and final in the series tracing a Sri Lankan community police bike patrol project. In the first post from Gita Sabharwa (2012) provided some background for this initiative. Then, Johann Rebert‘s 2017 article, noted that after a few years running, bicycle patrols increased the visibility and accessibility of police for community …

Part 1: Background. Sri Lankan Police to rebuild community trust with bicycle patrols

Over the last decade, there has been an influx in the use of bicycles in mainstream civil services. Some examples of these I have shared previously include: Bicycles in Prisons Bikes donated for volunteer bicycle emergency responders (EMS) Citizen bicyclists in disaster response Increasing returned veterans’ social connection with bicycles African Bicycle Ambulances Another project …

Dissident Bicycles (Part 4): ’The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination’

This is the fourth instalment of our August 5-part series written by Laura Fisher exploring how bicycles are used as a dissident object in contemporary art. The first looked at Ai Weiwei’s ‘Forever’, the second ‘Returnity’ by Elin Wikström and Anna Brag and the third was ‘Shedding Light’ from Tutti Arts Oz Asia Festival. Here …

Dissident Bicycles (Part 3): Oz Asia Festival ‘Shedding Light’

In this post, we continue our August 5-part series written by Laura Fisher exploring how bicycles are used as a dissident object in contemporary art. The first post looked at Ai Weiwei’s most iconic bicycle-based artworks ‘Forever’ and the second detailed the ‘reversed engineered’ bike project ‘Returnity’ by German art duo Elin Wikström and Anna …

Dissident Bicycles (Part 2): Brag & Wikström’s ‘Retunity’

This August, we have a 5-part series written by Laura Fisher exploring how bicycles are used as a dissident object in contemporary art. The first post looked at the importance and impact of one of Ai Weiwei’s most iconic bicycle-based artworks ‘Forever’. In this second instalment, Laura looks at the refashioned (literally) ‘reversed engineered’ bike …